Year 2 in Kyoto – episode 24

Well, the waiting is over and Typhoon 21 did live up to the hype (I have seen coverage in other countries calling it Jebi, but names are rarely used here). Apparently it is the strongest typhoon to hit Japan in 25 years.

Hi all, just thought I’d post a very quick episode to let you all know that we are ok and came through the cyclone/typhoon unscathed. I have to say, I am extremely glad it came through during the day because the noises at night and not knowing what was happening would have been quite scary.

It lasted about five hours here, with maximum gusts up to around 150 kph. We also received about 100mm of rain during that time. Having not been out today, I’m not sure what has happened elsewhere, but up here I saw pieces of corrugated iron fly past, some antennae came down and I heard some glass breaking but I wasn’t sure where it came from. This morning Craig found some pieces of glass in our front yard, as he was cleaning up – we suspect that some of the windows broke in a turret atop the kiln over the road, along with being the source of some of the galv. that flew by.

While I was watching the storm upstairs, the house vibrated occasionally, but otherwise we came through with minimal impact other than some pot plants blowing over, a metal lizard blowing off our wall, one of the chimaki blowing off our door and some bins blowing over. Apart from the glass, a part of our neighbour’s roof ended up in our yard (which they collected this morning). Interestingly, at one point my ears popped from pressure and an emergency light flashed on and off in the room I was standing in.

As you may have seen, Osaka was hit hard, with Kansai airport flooded and the bridge to the airport now sporting a tanker decoration, amongst other damage.

 on tv

There is also some footage around of something smashing into the glass roof at Kyoto station, with both it and shattered glass falling into the middle of main area at the front.

I’m starting to wonder if all of these events are being sent to prove how well built our new house is!!

That’s all for now (I hope).


Don’t drive on bridges in a typhoon

I didn’t touch it!

Where do I start?

A carpark

Cranes don’t like strong winds

I’m glad our shipping container wasn’t there…

4 thoughts on “Year 2 in Kyoto – episode 24”

  1. I was thinking of you when I heard the news this morning! Glad to hear all unscathed 😻

  2. Thanks for letting us know you are both ok Helen. Must have been so scary. The Osaka airport looked really bad
    Chris has been through quite a few cyclones in Cairns in the past. I don’t want to. !
    De xx

  3. Wow………Mother Nature unleashes her fury! Have been thinking about you, glad to hear you came through relatively unscathed. Hope the fur babies weren’t too traumatised. Mel B xx

  4. I kept checking the news feeds during this event. EVENT!!!! Scary stuff. So glad your beautiful building stood the test. Oh……and you two as well.

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