The block…

Today I walked up to OUR new block – ok, I haven’t signed for it yet, but that is scheduled to happen on Tuesday, 20 December, with settlement on 10 January. When I say up, it is in the foothills of Higashiyama:

For those of you who have been to our flat, this map will mean something, otherwise, the top left-hand marker is where our flat is and the other marker is where the block is – about a 20 minute walk. So, very convenient once building starts.

Here are some lovely photos of the block, currently a disused car park. They are front on, to the left and to the right:

It is about 288sqm – though it doesn’t look it in the photos! There is a lovely old stone wall at the back, yes with an old house on top, but I like the wall:

It is on a short, narrow road, which ends about 3 houses up from our block. It is an older area, by which I mean that most of the nearby residents appear to be older. Certainly the ones I have seen and spoken to are older.


The above are our road – the first looking east, the other two going west. Small and narrow, as I said, probably a bit over 100m long.

So, there it is – what will happen as we continue on…the block????

3 thoughts on “The block…”

  1. Great photos – I loved the map reference and all the references to the pictures. It’s going to be fun seeing the process of your B n B from the ground (literally) up!!!

  2. How exciting! will watch the build with interest.
    Loving the photos- those Japanese and their kawaii!!

  3. Very exciting news. I love your blog, what a wonderful way to connect with us. Was lovely to sit down and have a break amongst the Chrissy rush and read what you are up too. Keep it up Helen. Not long and you will have your cats 🙂 x

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